Monday, October 14, 2013


When I walked into Enrich this morning, I got the best news and a big surprise. Katie told me that my movie was a finalist in the Year 4-6 Documentary section of the MADE Awards. I'm so thrilled!!! So all my hard work paid off and now I'm waiting to see what happens next.

To start the day, we had a game of chess but only Hyrum and I were playing chess - everyone else got on with their Affective projects. In the end, Hyrum bet me. I only had a King and he had a King and a Queen.

Later on in the day, it was time for guitar lessons. Today we got the chords to some of the songs we are learning to play. After that was finished, it was time for a tech challenge. The challenge was to make a chair that the large frog could sit on. I had to join in with a group that were part-way through the challenge, and they didn't look like they were having great success. We took up the finished product to the front for judging, and our chair fell apart and sadly it wasn't much of a success!

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