Monday, December 2, 2013


Welcome to my last blog post ever. WAAAAHHHH!! Well today has been an interesting one. We started the day with the last game of chess ever for us year sixs. I took that chance to play my last game of chess against Alex and lucky for me I won and can say I rule at chess! After that we had the first round for today of affective studies and we saw some interesting ones like Houdini and more. Next it was time for passion time and I learnt heaps more chords and I'm so going to continue learning guitar next year at high school. After that we had more affective studies and they were awesome everyone did such a great job. After that came an interesting part of the day we got a free sausage sizzle lunch yum yum. After lunch we did some more affective study and I did My one and I think I did a great job. So Finally a final goodbye from me and I wish you a Merry Christmas and good bye.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Today I've learnt heaps! We had another guitar session today and we learnt two new cords A7 and G and trust me they are not that hard to learn. Also we got some songs to learn, some Elvis songs and Happy Birthday. We worked so hard that my fingers still ache from this morning. Then after lunch we started some new patterns workshops I'm doing Mandalas. Now your probably wondering what on earth is a Mandala? A mandala is a pattern that lots of religions use. What they do is they get alot of different coloured sands (note these sands are not dyed they are naturally coloured sand) and they turn the sand into a picture with theses special brushes and they make a picture with the centre being the seed. Making a sand Mandala takes about six days and then when they are done they sweep it all up and then they take it to the river and pour the sand in and it is a blessing on the world. Then we started to make our own Mandalas, No not using sand using pencil.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween came late...

 We started today with our affective study and I am close to completion now. I just need to add a few things and edit it then it will be done. After that it was time for passion projects and I got to work on my mindstorm again and the best thing is I've completed the shooter bot and its so cool.
It will fire all 6 missiles at whatever target is in front of it. And next week I'm going to make some adjustments to the bot with some more sensors and stuff like that.
Then after lunch halloween came late because I got a bit of a scare. We had a talk about digital citizenship. This is all about keeping yourself safe on the Internet.  We talked about how some people hack things and take people's money and how they hack peoples log ins and do things that that person would not do. I also found out that if you take a photo and put it online people, can find where it was taken.  Once you post something, it is online FOREVER!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mindstorm mania

To start today I started working on my affective study on Ole Kirk Christiansen the inventor of lego. Then when it came to passion time  my passion project was finished.
I got to start making a new mindstorm all for my passion project and I've made the standered bot already and the best thing is that its a NXT 2. Also today I learnt how to program my mindstorm using the computer program  but since I've only got the basic bot I can only make it move and talk for now which is pretty cool. I've decided next week that I'm going to start building the shooter bot to start with and when its done and all programed its going to be really cool.

Monday, October 14, 2013


When I walked into Enrich this morning, I got the best news and a big surprise. Katie told me that my movie was a finalist in the Year 4-6 Documentary section of the MADE Awards. I'm so thrilled!!! So all my hard work paid off and now I'm waiting to see what happens next.

To start the day, we had a game of chess but only Hyrum and I were playing chess - everyone else got on with their Affective projects. In the end, Hyrum bet me. I only had a King and he had a King and a Queen.

Later on in the day, it was time for guitar lessons. Today we got the chords to some of the songs we are learning to play. After that was finished, it was time for a tech challenge. The challenge was to make a chair that the large frog could sit on. I had to join in with a group that were part-way through the challenge, and they didn't look like they were having great success. We took up the finished product to the front for judging, and our chair fell apart and sadly it wasn't much of a success!

Monday, September 16, 2013

MS the mindstorm.

Today is great. I've finished my documentary and it's being sent away today!!! Next was guitar lessons. Today at guitar lessons we got tested on changing from E to D and I'm doing pretty well. We also learnt how to change from A to D and it's super hard you have to learn where to put your fingers off by heart and getting your fingers in the right place is really hard. We also have to practise changing from E minor to major and that isn't so hard. After lunch it was time to do some more on our mindstorm and ours is looking so cool! Today we installed the ultra sonic, light and sound sensors and we are adding in the touch sensor.

Monday, September 9, 2013


To complete editing was my goal for my documentary today. I had to change some of my pictures and edit the order of some of my slides,  and I'm really happy with how it looks. After about an hour of work all the editing for my documentary was done. During lunch it was time for my next guitar lesson. This time we started learning about some songs to play and how to shift our fingers around the guitar to get the different chords. After guitar was over,  it was time for the second session of robotics with the mind storms. and during this time we have just about got our rem bot done!