Friday, May 18, 2012

Recipes ahoy!

Today at Enrich I made my first recipe for my diabetic cooking in passion time, a banana and apple smoothie. Here is how you make it,

Lite Yogurt

1 Peel the apple and  banana and then cut above blender cup.
2 Add the light yogurt and milk.
3 Blend then pour into a cup and drink.

If you try this I hope you like it. At the start of the day we were informed about the Southland/Otago chess tournament and that the top six players for each day will be going. Currently I'm 14th on the Friday chess leaderboard so no chess tournament for me this year boo hoo!!! :( I also stated a new Must Do Can Do sheet.

  my mum

Friday, May 11, 2012

And let the cooking start!

 Today at enrich we stated our passion time and started by sending an email to Graham Hawks the head chef at Paddington Arms asking for his help.Then I wrote a list of what I will need and what I will make. So far the only things I'm making are belgium biscuits and lollies. All my successful recipes will be posted so if you want diabetic recipes check this blog every friday at 5:00.

Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for... sister.
Darth vader.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Passion Time.

Hey people! Today at Enrich we got to pick what we are going to do for passion time. Passion time is when we get some time from next week to do something that  we are passionate about. I'm doing for my passion time ............ Diabetic cooking because I'm a type 1 diabetic.I'm going to make my own diabetic foods with only diabetic stuff and then all my successful recipes I'm going to put on my blog and then type up and then print then and put them into a recipe book and I'm even going to try and make up my own diabetic flavors. The reason why I'm doing this is because I'm sick of going into food stores and coffee stores and seeing all that sugary goodness which is really bad and having to have miserable pastries while  my little brother eats sugary foods.So that is why I'm doing Diabetic cooking for my passion time.