Monday, December 2, 2013


Welcome to my last blog post ever. WAAAAHHHH!! Well today has been an interesting one. We started the day with the last game of chess ever for us year sixs. I took that chance to play my last game of chess against Alex and lucky for me I won and can say I rule at chess! After that we had the first round for today of affective studies and we saw some interesting ones like Houdini and more. Next it was time for passion time and I learnt heaps more chords and I'm so going to continue learning guitar next year at high school. After that we had more affective studies and they were awesome everyone did such a great job. After that came an interesting part of the day we got a free sausage sizzle lunch yum yum. After lunch we did some more affective study and I did My one and I think I did a great job. So Finally a final goodbye from me and I wish you a Merry Christmas and good bye.