Hi I’m Wilson I’m year six and I go to Enrich. This is my fourth and final year at Enrich. My favourite of the four cornerstones (mental edge, concept curriculum, talent development/passion time and affective domain) is mental edge because you get to play chess.
Friday, December 7, 2012
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Wow! Has this year gone by fast or what! Hey everyone this is my last post for the year! This is going to be a PMI (plus, minus, interesting) of this year. Lets start with plus. The pluses of this year are getting to walk around town for perspective in term 1, getting to go to the radio station to record our plays in term 3, getting the time to find out my passion during passion time over the year, getting to make new friends, the fun things we got to do in the technology challenges, the sausage sizzle we had today for the end of the term and the environment. The minuses for this year are, typing practise, boring activities during must dos and picks, Wilson games and a 57 chess game loses in a row to Max. And now the interesting things about this year. 1. Having a Friday session of Enrich. 2. Getting the time to find out my passion. #3 Doing the environment projects. #4 The variety of Wilson games over the year. Also for today we got to do a sausage sizzle for the end of the term and I started my ninth page for my minecraft story. Well I've got to go now see you all next year and have a merry christmas and a happy new year!!!!!!
Friday, November 30, 2012
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Hey everyone. To start today we started with the Wilson game human naughts and crosses. This is played by having nine chairs in 3 rows of 3 and two teams. Each team has 5 players and a caller. To identify the teams you might need sashes or something. Each team member has a number so in each team there will be a number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The caller will call out a number and that number from each team will race to get a seat to win you need to get a straight row of 3 or a diagonal row of three. When that task was done we went and did our key competency assessment for this term and it only took 5 minutes or so so that was easily done and when that was done it was time for passion time and I started my eighth page for my minecraft story yay :) After morning tea we had chess and once again I challenged max, the game was long and brutal and there where many casualties the results where fierce with no player giving up but in the end we took to long and we where about half way through the game when Katie stopped us and I won the game by points ending my 57 losses to max in a row streak yes!!!!!!!!! After that we did some more of our must dos and picks and then had a break for lunch.And after lunch we did some more of our typing practice and now I'm going to do some more must dos and picks and before I go I'm the Friday student for the blogs to watch on the Enrich blog/website - Yay! Don't believe me? Well look at the pictures above;)
Friday, November 23, 2012
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Hey everyone! As the end of the term draws closer things are getting pretty busy at Enrich with things like finishing projects and assessments. At the start of today we played the hoop game with a twist and that twist was there were two hoops and when you got into the first hoop and you have gotten out of it, it was your check point so if you stuffed up instead of having to go back to the start you would go back into the first hoop YAY! After that we did a survey monkey about Enrich and it had questions like do you feel safe at enrich. When everyone had done their survey It was time for environment project and me and Matt got another post done in a day!!!!!!!!!!!! Once that was done we got to move into passion time and I'm nearing the end™of my seventh page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When passion time was over we went and did some thinkers keys and the ones that I did were the ridiculous key and brainstorming key. For the ridiculous key one of the questions was what if when you are 6 years old you are allowed to drive. And for the brainstorming key my questions was: How can you get people to use public transport. And now I'm off to do must dos and picks :)
Friday, November 16, 2012
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Today @ Enrich we started with the Wilson game "Two orange, two green and a ball" and we the Friday group are the only group that has been able to complete this game and this record we set a week or two ago!
Next we went into our environment projects and me and Matt got a blog post done in one day and the start of another one! http://environmenthowto.blogspot.co.nz/http://environmenthowto.blogspot.co.nz/ click on this link to view our blog.
After morning tea I had a game of chess against Eddie and lost. After that we went in to our must do and pick sheet and I went to a work shop that was about hurricane sandy. Katie had these thinking hats and each of them had a word like feelings and problems and we had to answer the questions as best we could.And now after lunch I'm here and now I'm off to do more of my must do and picks.
Friday, November 2, 2012
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Today at Enrich we started with the Wilson game "2 orange 2 green 1 ball". When there were 2 orange bean bags, 2 green bean bags and a ball. The aim of the game was to touch all the items in a special order and that order is green bean bag,orange bean bag,green bean bag and orange bean bag then a ball. It does not have to be that pattern, it can be different so it could be orange bean bag but then you would have to get a green bean bag or the other way around and you can't talk or touch the same bean bag twice.Then we went into passion time and I'm on my sixth page for my story already.Then after that I had a game of chess and Max challenged me and he bet me! Then after morning tea we moved into must dos and picks and I made my garden area for a roof-top garden of an apartment building.Then my "Where in the world?" and now I'm off to do some more of my must dos and picks!
Friday, October 19, 2012
First Day for term four
Friday, September 28, 2012
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Hurray it's the last day of term three yes!! Today at Enrich, we again started with a game of chess. I played Jacob and lost, then played Willie and lost, blow! but it's just a game after all. After that we did our term three key competency assessment . Then after morning tea we played the Wilson game bulls eye, then we did our goal setting reflection, then moved into passion time. I started another one of my Minecraft comics but then I started a story about Minecraft and how it came to be the way it is now. And now after lunch I'm here doing my blog post and now I'm off to do some more of my Minecraft story bye!
Friday, September 21, 2012
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Today at Enrich we started off with a game of chess and I played Dylan and moved up 5 positions yes! After morning tea we moved into Passion time and I completed yet another one of my Minecraft comics This one is called Rise of the Nether and it is so cool! And you can watch a video copy up top of this post!!!! Next after lunch we moved into P4C. In P4C today we talked about this topic, do we have the right to pollute? And we talked about how much rubbish we could save if we changed from plastic milk bottles to the good old glass bottles:) Once we had finished P4C we had another attempt at Piccadilly Circus and guess what! We got the fastest time for one ball - 35.4 seconds. Go us! And now I'm off to do my environment project - see ya!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Air pollution
At Enrich today we started with a game of chess and I played Liam P and beat him so now I've moved from third bottom to 23rd top :}Next we went into our environment projects and Matt and I are half way through our first post for our environment "how to" blog. After morning tea we watched a video about the top ten polluted cities and do you know what? Wellington is the cleanest city in the world beating the 8th place Australians! Then after lunch we played a Wilson game, when you stand in a circle and you have hand the ball over to the rest of the players and when you give the ball to someone you have to sit where they were standing.And now I'm off to passion time see ya!!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Hi Wilson,
Gosh I love you and Matt's enthusiasm towards your environmental 'How to' blog! It is great to see you putting a plan together of what you need to do, and methodically working through those things. I liked that you video recorded your visit with Geoff so that you can refer back to his advice later on when writing your blog article, that was good thinking. Where are you going to get the images from to go with the article? Keep up the hard work!
Gosh I love you and Matt's enthusiasm towards your environmental 'How to' blog! It is great to see you putting a plan together of what you need to do, and methodically working through those things. I liked that you video recorded your visit with Geoff so that you can refer back to his advice later on when writing your blog article, that was good thinking. Where are you going to get the images from to go with the article? Keep up the hard work!
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At Enrich was a day of projects but to start the day we played a game of chess. I first played Charlie and lost then I played Matt and lost again but a game of chess is a game of chess after all. Next we went straight into our environment project, so Matt and I got our description of our blog done and we figured what we our going to post next once we have finished the one we are doing now.Then after morning tea we went and watched a video about how polluted earth water is and we discussed what it told us and what questions we had about it. Then we played a Wilson game called bullseye but we had changed it a bit. By the way I got to be the ball runner for the Southland Stags vs Otago game in Invercargill and I got to keep my shirt and I got my shirt signed by the Stags and one of them was All Black Jimmy Cowan!!!!
Friday, August 31, 2012
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Today at Enrich we started with a game of chess and I was so close to beating Max in chess but he beat me. Then we went into our environment projects and Matt and I sent an email to Matt's Dad to ask if he could come in next week and we could film him and ask some questions about gardens. Then after morning tea we went into our high interest stations and in maths we learned about some more things about Fibonacci numbers like how bone and flowers relate to Fibonacci. In our environment project Matt and I got our blog set up and tommorow another Enrich student is taking some pictures of a school garden she's doing and we are going to put those photos on our environment project!!!!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
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Today was a day full of near misses! In debating my team the opposing team got 7 points and the affirmative team got 9 points and the subject was "Cats should be kicked off Stewart island." Also today I was so close to beating Max in chess but he beat me so that means I've lost 56 times to him. And the exciting thing is tomorrow is my 10th Birthday YES! Also today we did Fibonacci numbers, here is an example, 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,141 and so on. Fibonacci numbers is two numbers added together to get the next number, for example 0 +1 =1, 1+1=2 ,2+1 =3 and so on. And yesterday I was so lucky I got to hold and wear Nathan Cohen's Olympic Gold medal and the same with Storm Uru's bronze medal!!!!!! Now I'm off to do my environment project with Matt S!
Friday, August 17, 2012
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Friday, August 10, 2012
Today at Enrich we had to make up our mind what we are going to do for our environment project.Mostly everyone could decide what they wanted to do but me and some other people couldn't decide what they were going to do!!But Max's mum came to the rescue and gave us some more ideas and so I decided that I was going to do a environment tips blog and Matt Stewart decided he was going to join me! I also started a new high interest station which is art again but this time we are doing cartoons. The artist we are focusing on is New Zealand artist Stu Duval who has a website www.studuval.com
Friday, August 3, 2012
Tessellation Complete.
Thomas me.
Today at Enrich I finished my tessellation of hamsters. And I lost to Max in chess for the 54th time in a row!!! I also did a goal setting task when I had to write two goals for this term and how I was going to achieve them. Also we had to think what I am going to do for my environment project which I still can't decide on! Me and my friend Thomas Walker had to write the email for the parents:)
A tessellation is a pattern that repeats it self over and over.
Today at Enrich I finished my tessellation of hamsters. And I lost to Max in chess for the 54th time in a row!!! I also did a goal setting task when I had to write two goals for this term and how I was going to achieve them. Also we had to think what I am going to do for my environment project which I still can't decide on! Me and my friend Thomas Walker had to write the email for the parents:)
A tessellation is a pattern that repeats it self over and over.
Friday, July 27, 2012
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Environment, a word I have heard alot today at Enrich and we learned about some of the problems about the Waihopai river and Seaward Bush and how in the Waihopai river has mud problems and Seaward Bush has pests killing endangered animals.We also mad some sketches of a mural that was Southlandy we we could do for a projects that we could do. Mine is of kiwi fruit, Pavlova, a Hot dog, Bottle of Watties tomato sauce, a pie, a chocolate fish, hockey pockey ice cream and a bottle of DB export. We also did our start of term technology challenge were we had to launch a shuttlecock and the prize CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 20, 2012
First day back!!!
Yes! Today at enrich was the first day back for term three. To start the day we played a Wilson(not me wilson) game when we were in groups of three and we had to hold hands and keep our feet together and jump into a hoop, not hard but Katie, Jenny and Darryn tried to stop us. Also at morning tea time I made a quick animation with some Lego. Also today I started a tessellation at a workshop which was supposed to be polar bears but turned out to be hamsters! After morning tea we started our next two terms concept curriculum which is environment and we looked at some people who live on a dump!!!
It has been a busy day at enrich but a fun one too:):):):):):)
It has been a busy day at enrich but a fun one too:):):):):):)
Friday, June 29, 2012
Hey everybody!! As we close the book on this chapter it feels like the term has gone by to fast. Today we did our end of term self assessment. My favourite one was The tricky part was... paying attention in long talks. All together there were ten questions. It didn't take me long to think about what I was going to write. If you click on the picture it will enlarge. Also today we had to key competency assessmant which took a lot of listening.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Tapa cloth.
Today at enrich I finished my tapa cloth which is a Pacific island typed art and so pacific island was our theme. When we started we drew up a draft and then some stencils for some the harder shapes that we might not be able to draw free hand. Then we got a big brown piece of paper and then drew our designs in pencil then we went of it in vivid. Next we had to crumple it up for 10+ minutes until it was very soft. Almost finished. Then we had to dye it so that it was a nice brown that filled up all the creases. It was a really long and hard job but it was all worth it!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Recipes ahoy!
Today at Enrich I made my first recipe for my diabetic cooking in passion time, a banana and apple smoothie. Here is how you make it,
Lite Yogurt
1 Peel the apple and banana and then cut above blender cup.
2 Add the light yogurt and milk.
3 Blend then pour into a cup and drink.
If you try this I hope you like it. At the start of the day we were informed about the Southland/Otago chess tournament and that the top six players for each day will be going. Currently I'm 14th on the Friday chess leaderboard so no chess tournament for me this year boo hoo!!! :( I also stated a new Must Do Can Do sheet.
Friday, May 11, 2012
And let the cooking start!
Today at enrich we stated our passion time and started by sending an email to Graham Hawks the head chef at Paddington Arms asking for his help.Then I wrote a list of what I will need and what I will make. So far the only things I'm making are belgium biscuits and lollies. All my successful recipes will be posted so if you want diabetic recipes check this blog every friday at 5:00.
Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for... sister.
Darth vader.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Passion Time.
Hey people! Today at Enrich we got to pick what we are going to do for passion time. Passion time is when we get some time from next week to do something that we are passionate about. I'm doing for my passion time ............ Diabetic cooking because I'm a type 1 diabetic.I'm going to make my own diabetic foods with only diabetic stuff and then all my successful recipes I'm going to put on my blog and then type up and then print then and put them into a recipe book and I'm even going to try and make up my own diabetic flavors. The reason why I'm doing this is because I'm sick of going into food stores and coffee stores and seeing all that sugary goodness which is really bad and having to have miserable pastries while my little brother eats sugary foods.So that is why I'm doing Diabetic cooking for my passion time.
Friday, April 27, 2012
The learning wheel
Hey people! Today at enrich we did our end of term reflection, the learning wheel. The titles for the learning wheel are I felt, I wondered, I tried, I learned and I used. It took me a few minutes to figure out what I was going to write then carefully wrote it down and then went and showed it to Katie and she thought it reached the criteria then I put in the pile for later. While every one was at lunch Katie scanned them and sent them away and you are probably wondering where it ended up the answer is right here. : )
Monday, April 2, 2012
Teacher comment
Wilson your enthusiasm for drama certainly shone through today in the drama talent development. Your group not only adapted a play but also successfully and enthusiastically performed it for everyone at enrich - a great effort.
It is also good to see that you are working on managing your time effectively to complete the must do’s and picks each week. Keep it up!
It is also good to see that you are working on managing your time effectively to complete the must do’s and picks each week. Keep it up!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Readers theatre.

Today at enrich I was on Tuesday because the teachers on going to be there on Friday, so any way after morning tea we did the second episode of readers theatre were we were put into groups of 6 and we were given a script each. One group had the three billy goats gruff and the other group had the three little pigs that was my group and I was the third little pig which was even better because I did not get eaten yes and the others had to eaten. and the real cool thing was that when you had sorted out who was who you got to re-write your script so that you could say what you wanted. Then after lunch the two groups did their plays to the rest of the Tuesday class and it was awsome. Thanks Darryn!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Bio poem

Today at enrich after morning tea we did the rotations again this week. This week I was doing bio poem. A bio poem is about you and your perspective of life. At bio poems with Darryn we looked at a couple of other bio poems then we started writing our own draft copies in our books. When we had finished our drafts we were allowed to go onto a computer and use what ever we could type on to type up our bio poems.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Smile, say cheese and click, flash! Today at Enrich after morning tea we were put into three groups that relate to perspective. The three groups were Photography,` bio-poem and debating and I was put into photography with Katie. For those who had not used iphoto for a year this was like a reminder but for the newbies it was a how use iphoto session.We learned some new ways to take photos with a camera like macro then we went outside and used some of these styles. Some people had to upgrade theirs but I already had earlier so I didn't have to that was good, then we uploaded our photos and we are now done for now.....
Friday, March 2, 2012

Today as one of our taster seasons we could do drama and I did. We got to watch a small clip of Who's line is it anyway? It was extremely funny. Then we got to play one of the games that they played on the show, it was props. The props we had to use were two hoola hoops and two cones. We used the two hoola hoops as car wheels and max ran me over like a car. Then we did another game from the show it was the character one and I pretended to be ... HARRY POTTER!
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