Friday, November 23, 2012

Custom Glitter Text

Hey everyone! As the end of the term draws closer things are getting pretty busy at Enrich with things like finishing projects and assessments. At the start of today we played the hoop game with a twist and that twist was there were two hoops and when you got into the first hoop and you have gotten out of it, it was your check point so if you stuffed up instead of having to go back to the start you would go back into the first hoop YAY! After that we did a survey monkey about Enrich and it had questions like do you feel safe at enrich. When everyone had done their survey It was time for environment project and me and Matt got another post done in a day!!!!!!!!!!!! Once that was done we got to move into passion time and I'm nearing the end™of my seventh page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When passion time was over we went and did some thinkers keys and the ones that I did were the ridiculous key and brainstorming key.  For the ridiculous key one of the questions was what if when you are 6 years old you are allowed to drive. And for the brainstorming key my questions was: How can you get people to use public transport. And now I'm off to do must dos and picks :)

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